Install Java Jdk On Ubuntu Linux Iso

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  1. Install Java Jdk Ubuntu
  2. Install Java Jdk On Windows 10

I needed JDK 8 for Bazel. I ran sudo apt-get install openjdk-8* on a freshly built Ubuntu 16.04.02 machine, but after installation update-alternatives --config java show two paths:

I purged opensdk-8* and then installed apt-get openjdk-9* but the outcome was the same.

How do I get JDK 8?

Install Java Jdk Ubuntu

Install java in ubuntu, install JRE in Ubuntu, java, ubuntu, java on linux, JRE for linux,It is highly recommended to install Java in Ubuntu along with other software, after installing your OS so that you can use it for running various Java applications. How to Install Java JDK 8 on Ubuntu Linux. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install Java Development kit on Ubuntu 16.04. Ubuntu Java JRE vs JDK.

Old GeezerOld Geezer

3 Answers

Usually you install the openjdk like this:

Maybe this is the problem. You can look this up at If you do this you might have fixed this problem. But cant imagine why your command give this result.

Install Java Jdk On Windows 10


I installed oracle-jdk8. If you need,

Cara upgrade tanaka t22 hd jurassic 2017. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer


You can install openJDK with below command -

OR You can also look at option to install Oracle Java 8. Detailed instructions are updated in the blog here. You can also use below commands for a quick answer -

Install java jdk on linux mint
Shashank RastogiShashank Rastogi

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