Polycom Cx700 Software Update

Polycom Cx700 Software Update Rating: 7,2/10 3844 reviews

Hey, everyone! I'm new to the Polycom family of products, so I'm hoping someone can help me out. We purchased two new CX700 and they.

Dvd serial silat mandarin. We are in the process of implementing OCS 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition. One thing we never got going is updating a phone device (Specifically, the Polycom CX700). Updating the software (ie, the Communicator client) worked just fine. So below are the various things I tried in order to fix the issue, which I finally did.

In all cases, the following should work: http://<front end server>/DeviceUpdateFiles_Int/OCInterim/ENU/cpe.nbt. If it does not, check the IIS logs. Also, within IE, enable enhanced error display by unchecking the box next to “Show friendly HTTP error messages” in the Tools/Options menu.

In reverse-order of fixes (ie, the last fix is listed first).

1. Added a MIME type to IIS for the .nbt file type

  • .nbt – binary/octet stream
  • Discovered this fix via a 404.3 error in the IIS logs

2. Debugged the status code (0x2ee7) – The Server Name could not be resolved.

Polycom Cx700 Software Update
  • Codes are listed here: http://communicationsserverteam.com/archive/2008/07/22/228.aspx
  • This launched a rash of fixes, some of which may or may not have helped.
    • Set a static mapping within WINS for front end server
    • Edited the ucupdates-r2.opensolutions.com DNS record to point to the front end host, not the pool
    • Edited the WMI entries for “InternalUpdatesDownloadURL” and “InternalUpdatesStoreURL”
      • open the WBEMTest utility and connect to rootcimv2.
      • click the Query button and enter this query:
        • select * from MSFT_SIPUpdatesServerSetting where backend='<sql server name>ocs’
      • Double click on the line that is returned (not intuitive that you can double click)
      • Scroll down to the values listed above and changed them from “https://<poolname>/RequestHandler/ucdevice.upx” to https://<front end server> /RequestHandler/ucdevice.upx

3. IIS Changes

  • Changed virtual directory in IIS from a DFS share to a direct share (was domainshareupdates. Now – C:OCS SharesupdatesDeviceUpdates)

4. Client Device Filter Settings

  • Edited Client Version Filter to be: OCPhone 1.0.522.* >= Allow and Upgrade Folder: DeviceUpdates

5. Security

Polycom Cx300 Software Update

  • Verified all the security everywhere – within IIS, Shares, file shares, files themselves

Polycom Cx700 Skype For Business

Websites referenced throughout process:
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