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MODUL PEMBANGUNAN AKADEMIK 1. PROGRAM: PERKONGSIAN MINDA 2. AKTIVITI: Mengadakan aktiviti –aktiviti seperti berikut: Forum Perkongsian ilmu Bengkel 3. MATLAMAT:Melahirkan murid asrama yang mempunyai rangkaian dan perkongsian maklumat yang mantap bersama murid sekolah cemerlang.

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kertas kerja karnival ko akademik


____________________________________Karnival ko-akademik SK Keranggas 2012







Penyelaras aktivitiNasiruddin Bin Jafary

Tempat dan kumpulan sasaranTempat : SK Keranggas

Kumpulan Sasaran : 27 orang murid SK Keranggas

Jangkamasa aktiviti8.00 pagi 1.30 petang 30 Mac

Bajet aktivitiPIBG RM 220.00Tajaan & sumbangan RM 1000.00

Jumlah Keseluruhan RM 1500.00

Cadangan jawatankuasaPengerusi(Nama & Jawatan)Setiausaha(Nama & Jawatan)

Bendahari(Nama & Jawatan)

Kertas Kerja Program Pekerja

Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar

Guru Besar SK KeranggasEncik Nasiruddin Jafary

Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib IIPuan Lucy Selamat

Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib I

Diisi oleh Penyelaras ProgramUlasan:

Nama & Tandatangan : Tarikh:

Diisi oleh Pentadbir SekolahUlasan

Cop & tandatangan: Tarikh:

Bahagian ARingkasan dan cadangan aktiviti : (cadangan hendaklah merangkumi Latarbelakang, Objektif, Kumpulan Sasaran, dan justifikasi Ahli Jawatankuasa yang diperlukan. Cadangan aktiviti ini hendaklah diselaraskan bersama jadual kerja dalam bentuk carta Gantt)

1 PENGENALANKARNIVAL KO-AKADEMIK SK KERANGGAS 2012, adalah satu pertandingan ko-akademik yang melibatkan semua panitia matapelajaran SK Keranggas. Sebagai program perintis seumpamanya yang dianjurkan di sekolah, program ini diharap dapat meningkatkan pendedahan kepada murid tentang teknik persembahan terbaik bagi setiap acara yang disertai serta membolehkan murid menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana pertandingan sebenar.Program ini adalah satu usaha kolektif panitia untuk menyediakan platform kepada semua murid bagi menonjolkan kebolehan mereka selain dapat mencungkil bakat terpendam dan keyakinan murid untuk memberikan persembahan terbaik.Cetusan idea untuk mengadakan karnival ko-Akademik ini timbul di bawah agenda ke 10 mesyuarat MBMMBI/LINUS/SGM/MaCS/SBT/SKPM/SIP/Kluster bil. 1/2012 bertarikh 1 Februari 2012 iaitu School Improvement Programme (SIP). Bagi meningkatkan produktiviti dan kelancaran program panitia di peringkat sekolah, adalah lebih efisien untuk menggabungkan semua pertandingan ko-akademik ke dalam satu program pertandingan tunggal sahaja. Hal ini dapat menyelaraskan pelbagai aspek pelaksanaan program dengan lebih efektif dan berkesan.

Program ini sekaligus dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang wujud untuk melaksanakan rancangan aktiviti panitia khasnya aktiviti yang membabitkan pertandingan, kerana semua tenaga kerja dapat berfungsi secara maksimum berbanding pelaksanaan aktiviti panitia yang diadakan secara berasingan. Oleh itu, dengan terlaksananya program ini, ianya dapat mengatasi kesukaran penyelarasan dan pemantauan program daripada pihak pentadbir sekolah.

Selaras dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan yang berkehendakkan kepada usaha untuk memperkembangkan lagi potensi murid secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu bagi melahirkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, jasmani, emosi dan sosial, penganjuran Karnival Ko-Akademik SK Keranggas 2012 diharap dapat memenuhi misi dan visi pendidikan negara ke arah melahirkan modal insan yang cemerlang demi masa depan negara yang gemilang.2. MATLAMAT


i. Meningkatkan keyakinan murid terhadap potensi diri melalui pertandingan yang dijalankan.ii. Mendedahkan semua murid tentang suasana pertandingan ko-akademik.iii. Meningkatkan keberanian murid untuk memberikan persembahan terbaik di atas pentas.iv. Meningkatkan penyertaan dan persaingan sihat antara murid untuk memenangi sesuatu pertandingan yang dianjurkan.







i. 27 orang murid


Dengan terlaksananya KARNIVAL KO-AKADEMIK SK KERANGGAS 2012, diharap program ini mampu meningkatkan kualiti murid dan melahirkan modal insan cemerlang dalam usaha sekolah memenuhi aspirasi pendidikan negara. Selain itu, dalam misi untuk menjadi sebuah sekolah yang berkesan, program sebegini tidak sesekali boleh dipinggirkan begitu sahaja. Peranan dan komitmen pihak pentadbir sekolah serta guru-guru adalah sangat besar dalam misi memacu perkembangan murid menjadi modal insan produktif ke arah kegemilangan masa depan negara.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Disediakan Oleh,

__________________________Penyelaras & setiausahaNASIRUDDIN JAFARY

AHLI JAWATANKUASA Justifikasi Ahli Jawatankuasa (Sila rujuk bahagian lampiran)

Jawatankuasa IndukPenaung: Encik Abdillah Adam Pengarah Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sarawak

Penasihat: Encik Jamit Ajok Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah Sri Aman

Pengerusi: Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar Guru Besar SK Keranggas

Setiausaha: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib II (Kemahiran Hidup/P.Muzik/P.Seni Visual)

Bendahari: Puan Lucy Selamat Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib I (Kajian Tempatan/P. Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan

Ahli Jawatankuasa PelaksanaPengacara Majlis: Encik Naigress Salem Cik Caroline

Penyelaras Program; Encik Nasiruddin Jafary

Penjaga Masa: Encik Melin Uton

Persiapan pentas: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary

HakimKetua Hakim : Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar

Hakim Public SpeakingLevel I/Public Speaking Level II/Story Telling1. Encik Kesmond Lee Fatt Tieng 2. Encik Martin Julong

Hakim Bercerita/Pidato1. Encik Gilbert Meur2. Encik Melin Uton

Hakim Science story telling1. Encik Zulhilmi Abd. Ghani

Hakim deklamasi sajak/pantun/menyanyi lagu patriotik1. Encik Nasiruddin Jafary2. Puan Lucy Selamat

CenderahatiEncik Nasiruddin Jafary

MakananPuan Lucy Selamat

AHLI JAWATANKUASA Justifikasi Ahli Jawatankuasa (Sila rujuk bahagian lampiran)

Jawatankuasa IndukPenaung: Encik Abdillah Adam Pengarah Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sarawak

Penasihat: Encik Jamit Ajok Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah Sri Aman

Pengerusi: Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar Guru Besar SK Keranggas

Setiausaha: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib II (Kemahiran Hidup/P.Muzik/P.Seni Visual)

Bendahari: Puan Lucy Selamat Ketua Panitia Subjek Wajib I (Kajian Tempatan/P. Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan

Ahli Jawatankuasa PelaksanaPengacara majlis Encik Naigress SalemCik Caroline

Penjaga MasaEncik Melin Uton

Persiapan pentasNasiruddin Jafary

HakimKetua Hakim : Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar

Hakim Public Speaking/Story Telling/1. Encik Kesmond Lee Fatt Tieng 2. Encik Martin Julong

Hakim Bercerita/Pidato1. Encik Gilbert Meur2. Encik Melin Uton

Hakim Science story telling1. Encik Zulhilmi Abd. Ghani

Hakim deklamasi sajak/pantun/menyanyi lagu patriotik1. Encik Nasiruddin Jafary2. Puan Lucy Selamat

CenderahatiEncik Nasiruddin Jafary

MakananPuan Lucy Selamat

AHLI JAWATANKUASA Justifikasi Ahli Jawatankuasa (Sila rujuk bahagian lampiran)

Ahli Jawatankuasa PelaksanaKebajikan: Cik Caroline Puan Lucy Selamat

Publisiti dan tajaan: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary Encik Wan Narudin Wan Japar

Sijil: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary

Dokumentasi dan pelaporan program: Encik Nasiruddin Jafary

Tugas-tugas khas: Encik Zulhilmi Abd Ghani




1. Mempengerusikan mesyuarat2. Membuat keputusan mesyuarat.3. Bertanggungjawab dalam menyemak perjalanan program dan tugas AJK.4. Memastikan segala kerja yang dirancang berjalan mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan.5. Membuat pengesahan terhadap laporan akhir aktiviti.6. Memantau hal ehwal kesetiausahaan dan kewangan.7. Mengetuai dan merancang hal ehwal protokol.


1. Bertanggungjawab sebagai menyelaras aktiviti/program yang dirancang dan ditetapkan.2. Membuat keputusan bersama dengan Pengerusi terhadap sesuatu perkara yang dirasakan sukar diputuskan dengan AJK Pelaksana yang lain.3. Memastikan perjalanan program berjalan dengan lancar dan sempurna seperti mana yang telah dirancang.4. Mengadakan perbincangan dengan pihak luar (sekiranya aktiviti melibatkan pihak luar)5. Sebagai rujukan dan pemudah kepada AJK pelaksana dalam melaksanakan aktiviti yang ditetapkan.


1. Menyediakan agenda dan minit mesyuarat.2. Memaklumkan kepada ahli tentang panggilan mesyuarat.3. Menyediakan kertas kerja dan surat-surat rasmi yang berkaitan.4. Menyediakan laporan akhir aktiviti untuk dihantar kepada Guru Besar.


1. Merangka dan merancang belanjawan program2. Mendapatkan anggaran perbelanjaan daripada setiap jawatankuasa terlibat.3. Mengawal, menyimpan dan merekod kemasukan dan pengeluaran wang (setiap pengeluaran wang disertakan dengan resit rasmi)4. Menyediakan dan membentangkan laporan kewangan program setiap kali mesyuarat program diadakan.5. Menyediakan laporan kewangan akhir program untuk diserahkan kepada Jawatankuasa Audit Dalaman Sekolah.6. Memastikan sebarang tuntutan yang dibuat oleh AJK menggunakan borang khas beserta resit.7. Menyimpan dokumen-dokumen / resit kewangan.8. Menyerahkan 2 salinan laporan kewangan akhir program yang telah disahkan oleh Jawatankuasa Audit Dalaman kepada Guru Besar.


1. Merancang strategi promosi program.2. Membuat hebahan media cetak dan elektronik dalam dan luar sekolah.3. Bertindak selaku jurukamera program.4. Mendapatkan maklumat penaja.5. Mendapatkan surat dan tandatangan melalui Guru Besar untuk mendapatkan tajaan dan sumbangan.6. Menghubungi dan membuat tindakan susulan untuk mendapatkan sumbangan dan tajaan.7. Menyediakan laporan akhir AJK Publisiti dan Tajaan.


1. Merancang dan menyelaras aktiviti jamuan2. Mendapatkan sebut harga jamuan bagi memastikan perbelanjaan mengikut bajet yang diluluskan.3. Menyediakan rawatan kecemasan kepada peserta dan AJK program (jika diperlukan)4. Menyediakan laporan akhir AJK Makanan dan kebajikan


1. Membantu AJK-AJK lain yang memerlukan bantuan.2. Melaksanakan tugas mengikut keperluan program dari masa ke semasa

Lampiran F2




1.1 Storytelling is an effective teaching and learning activity to help improve the standard of English among pupils.

1.2 The Storytelling Activity/Competition will be carried out at school, district / division, state and national levels.


2.1To enhance pupils confidence in using English.

2.2To give pupils the opportunity to use English in an interesting, authentic and a creative manner.

2.3To enhance and improve the listening and speaking skills.

2.4To instill pupils interest in reading and writing in English.


3.1. The competition is open to all government aided schools. Only ONE contestant will represent his/her state at the national level.

3.2The competition is divided into two sections :

Section 1:Prepared- any storiesSection 2:Impromptu

3.3For Section 1, contestants are to observe the following rules :

3.3.1 Stories presented can be authentic, adapted or originally written.3.3.2Stories presented must not touch on sensitive issues such as race, religion, politics, colour, personalities, etc.

3.3.3Stories must be educational with moral values.

3.3.4Props, backdrops and sound effects are not allowed. Aids used during the presentation are considered part of the costume. If the aids are deliberately detached from the story teller, they will beconsidered as props and is an infringement.

3.3.5Time allocated to present the story is 7 10 minutes. The bell will be rung at the 10th minute. No marks will be awarded thereafter.

3.4For Section 2, contestants are to observe the following rules :

3.4.1Contestants choose a card.

3.4.2After 30 seconds, contestants will begin their story based on the word written on the chosen card.

3.4.3Stories told should not be the same as the prepared story presented.

3.4.4Time allocated to present the impromptu story is 2 3 minutes. The bell will be rung at the 3rd minute. No marks will be awarded thereafter.


3.5.1A maximum of 10 marks will be deducted if a contestant :

touches on sensitive issues such as race, religion, politics, colour, personalities, etc. presents a story below the minimum stipulated time use props, backdrops and electronically-aided sound effects.

3.6A contestant will be disqualified if :

3.6.1he/she reads or refers to notes/reading materials

3.6.2he/she is prompted by another person


4.1The competitions should be judged by an odd numbered panel of at least 3 judges.

4.2The contestant with the majority of votes will be declared the winner.

4.3 The decision of the judges is final.


6.1It is our fervent hope that more pupils be trained and encouraged to participate in the school and district levels competitions.

6.2The cooperation of schools, District / Division Education Offices and Sate Education Departments are needed to ensure the smooth running and success of the competitions.

Lampiran F3



1.1 Starting the year 2000, Schools Division, Ministry of Education has decided to introduce public speaking competitions for students in the primary as well as the secondary schools. Speaking is one of the four main language skills for students to be proficient in. As we advance into the new millennium, students are expected to be able to master at least two languages, namely Bahasa Melayu and English language. This would make it easier for them to function as they are able to play a more relevant and functional role in their daily life. In the new millennium too, the world becomes smaller and more global in nature. Technology too gets more advanced. Thus, proficiency in the English language becomes a necessity, as one needs to interact with one another and keep abreast with the latest developments in technology. One who does not master the English language in the new millennium will be at the losing end.

1.2 Through public speaking competitions, it is hoped that an awareness is created among students on the importance of upgrading themselves in the English language. It would also serve as a catalyst for students to start using and learning English in a more serious manner.


To encourage the development of oral communication skills among students. To promote the use of plain English. To promote better understanding between young people.


3.1 This competition is divided into 2 categories namely:

The secondary school category The primary school category.

3.2 For the secondary school category, Forms 1 5 students from all Government aided secondary schools in Malaysia can take part.

3.3 For the primary school category, only Year 4 6 students from all Government aided primary schools in Malaysia can take part.


4.1 The competition is held at the following levels:

School District State National

4.2 At the school level, as many students as possible should be encouraged to take part in this competition. The winner of the competition at school level will represent the school at the district /division level competition.

4.3 The winner of the competition at district/division level will represent the district/division at the state level competition.

4.4 The winner of the competition at the state level will represent the state at the national level competition.


5.1The competition is divided into two sections, as follows:

Section 1:Prepared Speech-any topicSection 2 :Impromptu Speech

5.2For section 1 (Prepared Speech) contestants are to observe the following rules: Secondary school contestants will deliver a prepared speech of six (6) minutes on a topic of their choice. Primary school contestants will deliver a prepared speech on a topic of their choice for 4-6 minutes. A warning bell will be sounded at the 5th minute and a final bell at the 6th minute.

5.3For section 2, (Impromptu Speech) contestants are to observe the following rules:


Contestants are given a topic four minutes before they are due to present the speech; All contestants speak on the same topic; The time allowed for the impromptu speech is three minutes; A warning bell sounds at two minutes and a final bell at three minutes.


6.1Judging is nationally standardized. Judges are required to undertake a substantial briefing to gain full understanding of the judging criteria and to work within the guidelines set.

6.2Judging Criteria

6.2.1The judging criteria for both the Prepared Speech and the Impromptu Speech are on two aspects as follows:

a) Subject Matter

Is the subject matter of the speech suitable and substantial? Is the speech original and intelligent in its exploration of the subject? Does the speaker develop the argument and the line of thought logically and effectively? Is there a satisfactory conclusion which lends a sense of finality to the speech? Does the speech carry a worthwhile and convincing message?

b) Use of Plain English

Is the message or point of view conveyed in clear, correct, comprehensible and appropriate language? Are tone, pace, pauses and projection effective? Does the speaker avoid distractions? Is the speakers style confident, fluent and natural? Does the speaker avoid:

.. ineffectual repetitions e.g. Ladies and Gentlemen

.. pompous and condescending language

.. over dramatics

.. awkward pauses

.. conspicuous use of notes, reading, shuffling palm cards

.. inappropriate quotations

.. jokes that are irrelevant or inappropriate?

6.2.2Additional judging criteria for the Impromptu Speech also include the following:

Does the speaker demonstrate the ability to think clearly and creatively? Does the speaker express their views with conviction and/or humour? Are the speakers remarks accurate, relevant, interesting and lucid? Does the speaker use plain English? Does the speaker use clear, correct, simple and fluent speech? Does the speakers impromptu speech vary greatly from the prepared speech?.



For your audience to enjoy listening to you, you must enjoy having an audience! To hold their attention, you must persuade your audience to walk with you as you share with them your thoughts, ideas and opinions. The subject matter should show originality, logical development, continuity of ideas and knowledge of your topic. The language should be delivered in such a way that it is easy to hear and understand. You should use clear, correct, simple and fluent speech. A person at ease is a comfortable person to be with. If you become anxious the audience will pick that up. You must aim to be at ease and in control of the situation.

You must be able to command the attention of the audience. You must have them looking at you, quiet and receptive, wanting to hear what you have to say. This is termed platform presence and is a necessary art to be developed in order to be a successful speaker. Remember that people do not listen to speeches, they listen to people speaking! Prepare your speech for here and now, this audience, these people. Use words that are understandable and attractive, and know your subject. That way you can speak with confidence, monitor the reaction of the audience and stay in tune with them.Topics chosen must not touch on sensitive issues, such as race, religion, colour, personalities, etc.


The impromptu talk requirement for this competition sometimes causes unnecessary anxiety for the students.

7.2.1Hints on how to approach the impromptu : Draw on lifes experience and knowledge. Brainstorm the topic on a sheet of paper. Think your perspective through, selecting from and expanding into headings, key words or points from the brainstorming session. Approximately four headings should be sufficient to sustain the required impromptu speech. Jot these down on paper. Decide upon the structure or sequences of the talk by numbering your headings. The first one you wrote down may not be the most appropriate to begin your speech with. Transfer the first of your headings and end with a definite statement, rhetorical question or perhaps a relevant quotation. Prepare your opening last. Inevitably it will emerge as your preparation takes place. Open with a definite statement, or turn the topic into a rhetorical question followed by a comment that gives some indication of what is to follow. Close on a decisive note.

7.3As judging is bound by strict criteria, students and teachers preparing for participation should pay careful attention to the following aspects of speech making : Openings and conclusions.Speeches should not touch on sensitive issues such as race, religion, politics. Logical development of theme. Choice of words. Accepted pronunciation. Use of correct grammar. Careful, or limited use of quotation. Originality (in particular, avoidance of plagiarism)

7.4An effective plain English speech : Is on a topic of importance. Has decisive openings and conclusions. Avoids clichs, buzz words and colloquial expressions. Uses words which are carefully chosen. Uses accepted pronunciation (e.g. Oxford or Macquire Dictionary) Pays attention to the correct use of grammar. Contains a limited use of quotations, if any. Is original. Does not plagiarise the work of others.

Contoh Kertas Kerja Program

7.5An effective Plain English Award contestant Speaks confidently and articulates clearly. Avoids over-dramatisation and shouting for emphasis. Avoids distracting mannerisms. Uses pace, pause and projection to good effect. Understands the effective uses of gestures, posture and eye contact. Times a speech accurately.

Senarai semak (sila tandakan )


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